SDC Sample Repo

This repo contains examples of gathering metrics about your application's performance and can be helpful while working through SDC.

Included Examples

Bulk Inserting Data into Postgres

In server/bulk-insert.js, there is an example of a script for bulk-inserting large amounts of data into a postgres database in an efficient way. It works by writing large amounts of data to a file and bulk-loading that file into the database using the COPY clause.

Running k6 Against Your API

To run k6 load-testing benchmarks against your API, you first need to install k6 on your machine. You can do so by following the instructions here. Once that is done, you should be able to run k6 run server/benchmarking.js and see your results.

Development Setup

  1. Install dependencies: npm install
  2. Create the database: createdb todo
  3. Run your migrations: psql -f server/migration.sql todo



  • npm run dev - Runs the API server and hosts your frontend assets.
  • npm run dev:server - Runs the API server in watch mode.
  • npm run dev:client - Hosts your frontend assets.


  • npm run dev - Hosts your assets.
  • npm run build - Builds your assets (mainly used in CI/CD).


  • npm run dev - Runs the server in watch mode.
  • npm run start - Starts the server (mainly used when deploying).