
Go Roff Extension Util

Primary LanguageGo

Go Roff Extension Util

greu is an utility to quickly enhance troff with custom commands


greu is yet another preprocessor to roff, you can use greu in any position in your pipeline but you want to use as the first one, for example:

cat input.roff | greu | eqn | roff > output.ps


greu defines the commands in a config, the primary fields are:

Name Meaning Example
Cmd The shell command to execute gnuplot
Args The shell arguments -d
OpenTag The opening tag detected in the input file by greu .GNUPLOTSTART
CloseTag The closing tag detected in the input file by greu .GNUPLOTEND
ReplaceOpenTag A string that will be inserted in the output before the command output .PS
ReplaceCloseTag A string that will be inserted in the output after the command output .PE
InputPrefix A string that will be passed to the command before the input file lines, usefull for some prelude set terminal eps
InputPostfix A string that will be passed to the command before closing, usefull to exit exit
IgnoreStdOut Ignore the output of the command, usefull when the output is a file, see GREU_TMP true


Most values can use some special variable, all replace automatically by greu

Name Meaning Example
GREU_TMP A temp file that the program can freely use, it will be cancelled after the program exit ReplaceCloseTag: .PSPIC GREU_TMP


Let's say that we want to incorportate gnuplot graphs in our document and that our roff implementation has a .PS/.PE commands to include raw eps.

Cmd: gnuplot
ReplaceOpenTag: .PS
ReplaceCloseTag: .PE
InputPrefix: set terminal eps
InputPostfix: exit

Now we can write our document:

Commodo excepteur fugiat non deserunt laboris nisi culpa sit.
plot sin(x)
Do consectetur laborum minim exercitation amet minim sit laboris adipisicing exercitation proident labore proident labore.

After passing in greu the output will be:

Commodo excepteur fugiat non deserunt laboris nisi culpa sit.
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
%%Creator: cairo 1.17.6 (https://cairographics.org)
%%CreationDate: Sun Dec 25 13:17:18 2022
%%Pages: 1
%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
%%LanguageLevel: 2
%%BoundingBox: 0 0 360 216
Do consectetur laborum minim exercitation amet minim sit laboris adipisicing exercitation proident labore proident labore.

How it works

When the open tag is found greu executes the command, greu continues reading and the file is passed in the stdin of the command, the stdout is then written to the output