
MaD: A simple preprocessor for extending Markdown

Primary LanguageGo


MaD is a markdown preprocessor, it aims to create the best writing enviroment for every use case.

MaD works with little scripts that extendends the Markdown language

[math]: #(2x+ 2)

For example calls the math script with the argument 2x + 2

The location of all scripts in by default $HOME/.config/mad/bin/ but can be changed by MAD_PATH

The script is called with the argument splitted by spaces, the full input is passed via MAD_FULLINPUT

MAD_FULLINPUT="2x + 2" $HOME/.config/mad/bin/math 2x + 2


The script can access various enviroment variable to adujst it's output

Name Type Desc
MAD_ISPREVIEW Bool If true the script may print a textual interpretation of the input that a linter may display as a preview
MAD_ISBLOCK Bool If true the input was ia a block mode
MAD_FULLINPUT String The full input not splitted
MAD_INPUTLEN Int The input len

The boolean type is either "true" or "false"


  • Preview
  • Multiple Output
  • Better parser