Rails Token Auth Example

This will establish an API for user token authenication via JSON. This is significantly different than cookie authentication and is the preferred solution. You will have to write the JavaScript end yourself.


Verb URI Pattern                 Controller#Action       Description
GET  /api/v1/users               api/v1/users#index      Returns JSON of all users
POST /api/v1/users               api/v1/users#create
GET  /api/v1/users/:id           api/v1/users#show

Testing with Curl

If you want to test API requests using just the terminal you could use curl.

GET example:

curl http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users

GET example using token:

This an example of how you would access resources you want to protect:

curl -H "Authorization: Token token=my_first_user_token" http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users

POST example:

curl -d "user[name]=john&user[password]=mysecurepassword&user[password_confirmation]=mysecurepassword&user[email]=john@doe.com" -X POST localhost:3000/api/v1/users

In POST example example we are assuming that the model has name, password_digest, token, and email fields. The password_digest field was added according to bcrypt gem's usage, but encryption is not implemented yet for you.


Code very heavily borrowed and inspired by TangoSource's repo