Client-Side Framework Research

We've learned about Angular.js, one of the most popular client-side frameworks available today. It's not the only one, though – the framework landscape is pretty crowded right now, with no clear "winner".

Your assignment is to research a client-side JavaScript framework other than Angular, and present your findings in a few paragraphs. Your fellow students are your audience; try to answer any questions they might have if they were deciding on a framework to use for a project. How is your chosen framework similar to Angular, and how is it different? What kind of templates does it use? Are there any options to easily integrate it with Rails? Are there any notable apps built with it?

Submit your report in a pull request as a plain-text or Markdown file. Include links to any web sites you found useful in your search. Before submitting, use Command+Option+Q to hard-wrap each of your paragraphs at 80 characters (Alt+Q for Linux).

Note: You will be graded on the clarity of your communication! As a developer, being able to get complex ideas across clearly and concisely in writing is one of your most important (and marketable!) skills. From emails to documentation to code review comments, written communication is essential, and having a good command of the language will make you stand out.