Lightning Talks.

We will break up into teams and research and prepare a lightning talk. Each lightning talk will be presented to the class and will be five minutes long.


  • Authorization (Pundit, CanCan)
  • Haml
  • II8N
  • Form Objects
  • Decorators/Presenters
  • Single Table Inheritence (STI)
  • State Machines
  • Underscore, Lo-Dash Libraries
  • Mocks, Stubs, Fakes
  • Creating Angular Directives
  • SCSS
  • RequireJS

Lightning Talks for WDI Boston June 2014

Spreadsheet for all talks

New(er) Ruby Frameworks

BTW, thought I'd throw in a reference to some newer Ruby Web frameworks. Every couple of years a couple of Rails alternatives pop up. At one point there was a framework named "MErb". It was gaining popularity until the creator Yehuda Katz, also one of the creators of Ember, and the Rails core team decided to merge Rails and Merb. This happened in Rails 3.0.

Another popular long lasting framework is Sinatra. I view Sinatra as a "lightweight Rails". It has a smaller code base and smaller feature set. It is easier to wrap one's head around. But, it's limited and, like most technologies, the right tool for for some jobs.

Newer Ruby Frameworks.