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Example: RSpec Word Count


By the end of this, students should be able to:

  • Comprehend the goal of a spec by reading it.
  • Use plain english to explain what a spec does.


  • Fork and clone this repo, change working directory.
  • Run bundle install
  • Run rspec spec. All the tests should pass.
  • Open spec/word_count_spec.rb, then sit tight.
  • Follow along with your instructor. Stage and commit your changes as you progress.
  • Push changes to your Github repo git push origin master.


Since our tests pass and we understand the intent of each method from the examples in our specs, we can safely improve our code.

Challenge yourself by refactoring the code in lib/word_count.rb. Consider what self is on each line it appears and whether it is necessary to explicitly send messages to self. Can you make String#word_frequency into one line while keeping it "intention-revealing" and readable?

Spoilers: f13d53

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