
pretty much a copy of wdi_3_rails_products_crud but updated for rails 4.2.0

Primary LanguageRuby

Create a Simple Rails CRUD app.

This is a "Product" app. It's pretty lite on the what it can do.


  • Create a simple controller to show all resources and an individual resource.
  • Introduce routes, controllers, views, actions, params etc.
  • Implement create, update and delete for a resource.
  • Add validations for a resource.
  • Use partials to DRY up views.

Create a simple controller to show all resources and an individual resource.

See product_index_show.md and branch simple_controller.

Implement create, update and delete for a resource.

See product_cud and branch add_crud.

Add validations for a resource.

See product_validations.md and branch add_validations.

Use partials to DRY up views.

Not done yet