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RSpec Demo: Luhn's Algorithm


By the end of this, students should be able to:

  • Write the shell of an rspec test
  • Instantiate an instance of a class in a before block
  • Write descriptions/expectations for instance methods
  • Write code to make the rspec tests pass


  • Fork and clone this repo, change working directory.
  • Run bundle install.
  • Run rspec --init.
  • Follow along with your instructor. Stage and commit your changes as you progress.
  • Push changes to your Github repo git push origin master.


The Luhn Algorithm calculates a checksum, or a simple string/numeric summary of input data. It is useful for checking accidental errors, such as mistyping a digit, but not for keeping data secure; it is not an ecnryption algorithm.

Wikipedia has a nice summary of the algortihm. A copy is available in (accessed: 2015-01-20).

Some things to consider as you work through the exercise:

  • Write your tests first.
  • Use a class to encapsulate related data and behavior.
  • Try making each step of the algorithm it's own method (test first).
  • Compose these smaller methods into one or two methods that do the actual validation check.