RSpec/TDD Roman Numeral Kata Homework

Use TDD to write a method to_roman that will accept a single Integer as an argument and return a String with the value being the equivalent Roman Numeral.

Then write a to_arabic method that will accept a single String argument (a Roman Numeral) and will return its equivalent Arabic Numeral as an integer.

This is a common TDD programming challenge. This should work for positive integers from at least 1 to 2000.

You do not need to write any input/output prompts for this program.

Testing Method

  • Write a single test that fails
  • Write additional code that makes that test pass, and doesn't break prior tests
  • Once this passing test is finished, do a git commit with a good commit message that describes your work.
  • Repeat until complete

At the end of this exercise, you should have a git commit for every test, and each commit should light up green on Travis when I look at them.


Write a RomanNum class which will hold the above logic. It should have a to_i method that will return the number as an Arabic Numeral. If I attempt to initialize a new RomanNum with an invalid string, it should raise an appropiate error. So I should be able to do the following.

number ="X")
puts number # prints "X" to the screen
number.to_i # Returns the integer 10

Then extend the FixNum class with a to_roman method which will return an instance of the RomanNum class. The following code should work

number = 10
roman_number_object = number.to_roman # Returns a RomanNum object with value of "X"
puts roman_number_object # Prints "X" to the screen