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By the end of this, students should be able to:

  • Take plain-english business requirements and translate them into RSpec tests
  • Write an RSpec test for the Track class
  • Write an RSpec test for the Album class


  • Fork and clone.
  • Run bundle / bundle install (they're the same)
  • Run rspec --init
  • Create this file: spec/track_spec.rb
  • Create this file: spec/album_spec.rb
  • Create this file: lib/track.rb
  • Create this file: lib/album.rb
  • Write your rspec tests in the spec files.
  • Write the code to make your tests pass in the lib directory


  • Has a title, list of artists (order doesn't matter), duration, and price
  • Has a "set discount" method that reduces the price by a given percentage
  • Has a "reset discount" method that restores the price to its original value

Note: The "set discount" method should not return a discounted price – it should actually change the price of the track. If I create a track with price 1.0 and I call track.set_discount(0.2), subsequent calls to track.price should now return 0.8. If I apply another discount, it should replace the previous discount rather than stacking onto it.


  • Has a title and a list of Track objects (order matters)
  • Has a duration (combined duration of all tracks)
  • Has a price (combined price of all tracks)
  • Has a list of artists (combined artists of all tracks in alphabetical order – no duplicates)
  • Can determine whether the album is a single (has exactly one track)

Next Steps

Still using test-driven development, add some data validation to these classes. For instance, I probably shouldn't be able to create an album with no tracks, or set a track's discount greater than 100%. Think of ways someone could abuse your code – what happens if I try to create a track with the "list of artists" set to 42? Generally it's appropriate to raise ArgumentError when your methods receive invalid data as an argument.