
Quick Overview of Rack

Primary LanguageRuby

HTTP Protocol

Language of the Internet
  • We will look at from a developers perspective. A solid understanding will allow you to understand and debug web applications.


  • Are Entities or Objects that live on a server.

  • We get , (html, json, xml, pdf,...), Representations of these resources in the body of a HTTP Response sent back to the client from the server.

  • A resource may have all or a subset of CRUD operations.

For example, a Book may be resource that can be represented in html, json, pdf, mobi, etc. It may be created, read, updated and deleted.

  • A resource's representation will be determined by the Media Type which is the value in the Accept HTTP Request Header and the Content-Type in the HTTP Response Header.

For example, to get the html representation of a Book resource the HTTP Request Accept header should be set to text/html by the client.

If a server is returning the pdf representation, in the body of the HTTP Response, the Content-Type would be set to application/pdf.

  • The location, or address, of the resource is specified by a URL.

Network Stack

Each layer represents a Protocol.

  • These Protocols are defined by Request For Comment (RFC) documents. No need to dig into these now.
  • We are going to focus on the HTTP protocol. Network Protocol

Web Architecture

HTTP Clients
* Browser. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, …	
* Command line utilities. curl, wget
* HTTP Ruby libraries. HTTParty, Faraday, Typhoues, ...
HTTP Servers. Web Servers.
* Apache, Nginx, Thin, Tomcat, Pow, WEBRick …

Web Frameworks. That run on the Server.

Web Frameworks typically sit behind a Web/HTTP Server. They can run on one or more Servers, behind one or more Web Servers, receive a HTTP Request and generate a HTTP Response.

Web Architecture

  • Ruby - Rack, Sinatra, Rails, Padrino, etc.
  • PHP - Zend, Laravel, etc.
  • Python - Django, ...
  • Java - Grails, Spring, ...

HTTP Request/Response

HTTP Request and Response

HTTP Request

HTTP Request

From a HTTP client,typically a browser, to a web server running on a host system. 
* HTTP Request Methods
	GET and POST most used.
	* GET. Retrieve a resource.
	* POST. Create a resource.
	* PUT. Update a resource.
	* DELETE, Delete a resource.
	* HEAD, Retreive the headers for a resource. 
* GET HTTP Request Format
	[method] [URL] [version]
* Example GET Request:
	GET http://vermonster.com HTTP/1.1
	User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5)
	AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1659.2 Safari/537.36#### 
	* Media Types
		What kind of resource can we retrieve? Defined by Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) standards. Used in the HTTP Request Accept Header and the HTTP Response Content-Type Header.
		* HTML = text/html
	  	* GIF Image = image/gif
	  	* PNG Image = image/gif
	  	* MP4 Video = video/mp4
	  	* PDF = application/pdf
	  	* JSON = application/json  
* May have a body for creating or updating a resource. 
  Submitting a HTML Form will send the Form contents in the body of the Request. 
  The body will be url encoded.
  * The HTTP Request Accept header set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded 
  *  name1=value1&name2=value2&...

See Media Types*

HTTP Response

HTTP Response

Reply to a HTTP client from a web server.
* HTTP Response Overview
[version] [status] [reason]

[body]	# typically HTML, json, ...
* HTTP version should be 1.1
* Status Codes, [Status Codes](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes)
	* 200  OK 
	* 301 Moved Permanently 
	* 302 Moved Temporarily 
	* 400 Bad Request   
	* 403 Forbidden 
	* 404 Not Found 
	* 500 Internal Server Error

Viewing HTTP Request/Response

* curl. Command line apps that sends requests.
	* curl -i http://www.vermonster.com/
* Chrome Inspector. Developer tool built into Chrome browser.
	* View -> Developer -> Developer Tools 
	* Select Network
	* Cmd-R to send request


Break up into groups of three. Do some research, maybe using the HTTP book, and answer all of the below questions:

  1. What is a RFC and how does it apply to HTTP?
  2. What are the HTTP methods and what/when are they used?
  3. What are the HTTP status codes and how are they grouped?
  4. What is the Accept HTTP Header used for?
  5. What are media types and which of these are used for HTML, JSON and plain text?
  6. What is the Content-Type header?
  7. Where do the HTTP status and Headers live? In the Request or Response?


Resource Addresses, Uniform Resource Location (URL)

Embedded Resources

Some resources, like an HTML page, may have embedded links (URLs).

The browser will load these embedded resources after as it loads the containing page.

For example, a HTML page may have links to images, videos, javascript, etc that will be also be loaded by the browser.


Rack provides a minimal interface between webservers supporting Ruby and Ruby frameworks.


See the instructor_notes.md