HTML/CSS Homework

Design and implement a basic site using HTML/CSS and images. Make 6-8 interlinked pages using the HTML/CSS that we learned today. Be as serious, creative, or funny as you'd like to be.

Make sure you use at least one of each of the following:

  • h1 and other headings
  • p
  • ul or ol
  • dl
  • a
  • img
  • div
  • span
  • section or article
  • nav
  • Tag, ID, and class selectors in CSS

Use the W3C HTML Validator and CSS Validator to ensure your code has no errors and few warnings.

You may include a CSS reset, but all other CSS must be your own – no frameworks.


Try using the microformat to add additional meaning to the page.

Try using Google Fonts to make the page all spiffy.

Suggested Themes

  • Cats
  • Internet Memes
  • Your favorite places in Boston/Cambridge
  • Your favorite things from the 90s, when HTML was hot and new
  • A review of what we've learned about HTML and CSS so far