Checkpoint: Express & Mongoose

Set Up

Fork and clone this repository. After cloning down your fork...

 $ cd checkpoint-express-mongoose-short
 $ npm install

To run the tests in the terminal, run npm test.

  • Every time you make a change and save your files, you will need to manually re-run the tests.
  • When you start, all of the tests will be failing; your goal is to make as many pass as you can in the hour provided. There are 18 tests total.
  • Read the output of the failing tests. It will tell you why the test failed.

Note: The test suite is located in ./test.


For this checkpoint, you need to build a simple application for tracking Notes.


  1. There is already a package.json file with the dependencies necessary for running the tests. You will have to manually npm install everything else required to build your application server with Express and Mongoose.

  2. Create a controllers directory. Inside controllers, create two files: notes.js and users.js.

  3. Set up/build out express properly in your index.js file. Include the controllers later, once you've built them.

  4. Create two models:

    A. Note, with three fields

    • title
    • body
    • a ref called author to User. A note will only be associated with a single user, so this should be a plain object.

    B. User, with three fields

    • username
    • email
    • a ref called notes to Note. This should be an array of objects.
  5. You should have 5 routes. They should return JSON unless otherwise specified.

  • GET '/' which should redirect to `/notes'
  • GET '/notes' which return a list of notes
  • GET '/notes/:someParameter' where :someParameter grabs a single Note from the database by id. NOTE You can name :someParameter whatever you want 😬
  • GET '/users' which will return a list of all users
  • GET '/users/:someParameter which will return a single user by id. NOTE see previous note.


  • You can refer to previous lessons and notes that you have if you forget syntax.
  • We've provided the necessary configuration for the database connection, some of the Model definition, and some of the basic express app boilerplate. Don't delete any of this! Your task is to add to what is provided.
  • If your tests time-out, don't exit, try hitting ctrl-c.
  • Pay attention to when you're returning single values versus multiple values. The tests will only pass for the appropriate types.
  • You don't need to create any data in the database for the tests to pass.
  • If something doesn't work, try reordering it.
  • Test with postman!
  • Do not modify the tests in tests/index.js!


Fork this repository and clone your fork locally. Commit as you go. When you are finished, push to GitHub.

Wait until the end of the hour to make your Pull Request