Cats, Dogs & Pandas?

Warmup to practice manipulating the DOM & Events with jQuery. You should use jQuery for all of the following.

Commit 1

When the mouse moves within the body, console.log the x and y coordinates. The docs on mousemove may be helpful here.

Commit 2

Instead of using console.log, replace the text of the h1 with the current coordinates of the mouse.

Commit 3

When the mouse moves, change the css of each of your images so that the margin-left and margin-top change along with the x and y coordinates of your mouse. Read the docs on css. Try dividing the x and y coordinates by a factor (anywhere from 6 - 20) before setting your margin, and make this factor different for each image.

Commit 4

Have it so that when you click on any image, it either adds or removes the ".border" class

Bonus 1

Have it so that when you click on the body, it freezes position of the images.

Check out the documentation .off()

Bonus 2

If I click on an image now, for some reason it is freezing the position of all the images. All I want it to do is add or remove the border though. How do I stop that from happening?

What is this? A hint? What the heck is event propagation?