Words and Pig Latin

I've created a Word that is a wrapper for a string. Your job will be to implement a method piglatinize that returns the Pig Latin equivalent of the word.

Description of the rules from Wikipedia:

For words that begin with vowel sounds or silent letter, "way" is added at the end of the word. Examples are

  • "egg" → "eggway"
  • "inbox" → "inboxway"
  • "eight" → "eightway"

For words that begin with consonant sounds, the initial consonant or consonant cluster is moved to the end of the word, and "ay" is added, as in the following examples:

  • "happy" → "appyhay"
  • "duck" → "uckday"
  • "glove" → "oveglay"


The letter 'y' can play the role of either consonant or vowel, depending on its location

  • "yellow" → "ellowyay"
  • "rhythm" → "ythmrhay"


How do you deal with words starting with "qu" or "squ" ?

  • "queen" → "eenquay"
  • "squeal" → "ealsquay"

Here's one solution:
