Python Checkpoint 1

Before You Start

  • Fork and clone this repo.
  • Run pipenv install to install the dependencies for this checkpoint and setup the virtual environment
  • Run pipenv shell to activate your virtual environment
  • run pytest from your activated terminal to check that the tests are working (pytest)

Running Tests

To execute all the tests in the terminal, run pytest. Every time you make a change and save your files, you will need to manually re-run the tests.

Each test file corresponds to one of the code files.

test file code file

To run a single test file: pytest ./tests/

When you start, all of the tests will be failing; your goal is to make as many pass as you can in the hour provided.

HINT: read the output of the failing tests.


This checkpoint is divided into three sections:

  • Data Types in
  • Methods in
  • Object Oriented Programming in

Each section has a series of prompts written in inline comments. Write the Python necessary to complete each prompt in each of the three files.

Make a commit after you complete each section.

DO NOT Modify the files in the tests/ folder.


Fork this repository and clone your fork locally. Commit as you go. When you are finished, push your commits to GitHub.

Wait until the end of the hour to make your Pull Request.