React Password Validator

Recreate a password validator in React. Your final product should function similarly to this deployed version of the component.

Getting Started

  • Fork and clone this repo
  • Once you have the app locally, install necessary dependencies with $ npm install
  • Start the development server locally with $ npm start, then visit localhost:3000 in the browser to view app


Take the existing markup rendered from the Validator component in src/Validator.js and change into a fully functioning component. This means that you only have to add functionality -- not markup or styling -- to the existing code!

Getting Started

For this exercise, don't be concerned about the distinction between container and presentational components.

  1. Add your form inputs in Validator.js.
  2. Add a constructor method and initialize state. Your state should include email, password, passwordConfirm, and valid properties.
    this.state = {
      email: '',
      password: '',
      passwordConfirm: '',
      valid: true
  1. Add methods for handling inputs for password and password confirm, and checking that the passwords match. Be sure to update state in these methods using .setState
  2. Bind the methods in the constructor.
  3. Display a message if the user's inputs are valid.
