Exercise: Temperature Converter

Goal: create a program that can convert a temperature in fahrenheit, Celsius or Kelvin to the other two units.

  • Try the bonus goals if you have extra time!


  • Fork and clone this repo to your computer. (or just clone)
  • Write your code in temp_converter.rb.
  • Test your code by running the following the terminal...
$ ruby temp_converter.rb


Ask the user for two inputs and store them in their own variables...

  1. A starting temperature value
  2. A temperature unit (e.g., f, C, K). Store each of those in a variable.

Define a convert_temp method that takes those two user inputs as arguments.

Inside the method, create a conditional statement that contains a block for each unit of temperature. It will look something like this...

if temp_unit == "f"
elsif temp_unit == "C"

Each conditional block should convert the starting temperature to its equivalent value in the other two units (e.g., f should be converted to C and K).

Display the starting and converted values in the console.

  • NOTE: You should only be displaying the starting and converted values for the temperature the user selected at the beginning.
# User selected "f" at the start of the program. So the output is...
fahrenheit: ...
to Celsius: ...
to Kelvin: ...

Feel free to turn to your tablemates for help!

Bonus 1

Store the starting and converted temperatures in a hash. When you print those values to the console, do it by accessing the values in the hash.

Bonus 2

Keep the program running until the user decides to quit.

  • HINT: Requires a while loop.
  • When the program starts, the user should be prompted to enter a temperature OR quit the program.
  • After the program displays the starting/converted temperatures, it should return to the initial user prompt.