
Resque stress test

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Midburn Tickets Queue

What is this?

This is Midburn's tickets processing queue. Each batch of order requests submitters (say 100 orders) will be enqueue into an ordered queue (say: tier_001) which will be processed later by a worder.

Navigate to /resque to follow processing order (or clearing past tasks).

Submit a new order by POST /enqueue with a JSON file and Content-Type: application/json. The following curl command will work:

curl -X POST http://midburn-tickets-queue.herokuapp.com/enqueue -d '{"firstname": "elad", "lastname": "gariany", "email":"email@gmail.com"}' --header "Content-Type: application/json"

Application Routes

Sinatra web controller code:

GET '/'

This service have no root route, requests will be redirected to midburn.org

get '/' do
  redirect "http://midburn.org"

GET /resque

The resque-web web interface to monitor progress of tasks.

  • /resque/queues/worker - The worker queue
  • /resque/working - Current worker processes (chewing on the worker queue)

Notice: In order to access the monitor you will need to set env values RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_USER and RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD. If those will not be provided the interface will be open to everyone.

POST '/big-reset'

Big reset will reset all the queues and 'tasks' (process orders). This should be perform before each sell.

post '/big-reset' do
  # assuming ENV['ADMIN_SECRET_TOKEN'] is correct, reset all queues

admin_secret_token - the environment's admin secret key

POST '/enqueue'

Enqueue new order to process.

post '/enqueue' do
  # calculate tier number using ENV["QUEUE_TIER_SIZE"], the amount of tasks on queues and completed tasks.
  # Add a new task to order on the relevant queue.

The following curl command will queue a new order to process:

curl -X POST http://midburn-tickets-queue.herokuapp.com/enqueue -d '{"firstname": "elad", "lastname": "gariany", "email":"email@gmail.com"}' --header "Content-Type: application/json"       
  • firstname - Submitter's first name.
  • lastname - Submitter's last name.
  • email - Submitter's email address (profile on profile.midburn.org)

Known Issues

  • Orders in the system are limited to 500 * QUEUE_TIER_SIZE (say, 50,000 in case each tier size is 100).

Worker code

def process_order(json = {"firstname":"elad","lastname":"gariany","email":"elad@gariany.com"})
  # process order
  # - validate with profile system, to confirm user have a profile
  # - generate the email to be send to a client
  # - send the email for purchase

class OrderTier_1
  @queue = :tier_001
  def self.perform(json)

Configuration (Heroku)

  1. Close the queue: heroku run bundle exec rake midburn:close_queue --app midburn-queue

  2. Open the queue: heroku run bundle exec rake midburn:open_queue --app midburn-queue

  3. Getting the list of emails in the queue heroku run bundle exec rake midburn:list --app midburn-queue

  4. Reset queue: heroku run bundle exec rake midburn:reset --app midburn-queue

  5. Checking the heroku logs: heroku logs -t --app midburn-queue


The MIT License (MIT)

See: LICENSE file.