
helped me stop frustrating after moving on mac after many years on windows.

WINDOWS LIKE KEYBOARD (fn(ctrl for non apple keyboards) > left_command, ctrl+tab, ctrl+arrows behavior)

makes mac keyboard shortcuts in most programs work like on windows with normal keyboard (fn+A = windows-like ctrl+A (actual cmd+A), ...)

RDP, Virtual Machines (alt > win, cmd > alt, fn <> ctrl for apple keyboards)

in some Virtual Machine hosts I use make keyboard windows-like again

RShift + Backspace = Delete (word with fn) for apple keyboards

RShift + Enter = Insert

RAlt + F7-F12 = media

for people with long fingers

NUMPAD SIMUL: RAlt + k,./l;'op[ = keypad_0-9 [9]>[/] [0]>[*] ']'>[.]

simulation of numpad

currently rewriten using https://github.com/esamattis/deno_karabiner

Deno Karabiner

Write Complex Modifications for Karabiner-Elements using TypeScript and Deno.


Karabiner Complex Modifications are in JSON which is not too text editor friendly format. By moving to TypeScript we gain following:

  • Ability write comments
  • Ability to use variables and any logic we want
  • Autocomplete and build via VSCode etc.
  • Type safety. The key codes etc. are typed
  • Although this is not 100% complete. PRs welcome!

Why Deno? It's the simplest way to run TypeScript code on macOS. No need to fiddle with npm and TypeScript configs.

Build with VSCode tasks ! IT WILL OVERWRITE your default config under ~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json.