
Output columns name and type-subtype database

imonteroo opened this issue · 0 comments

I was able to install and run the program perfectly with 48 samples. Thank you for your program.

I have obtained the following files for each sample:

  1. clean.deeparg.align.daa
  2. clean.deeparg.align.daa.tsv
  3. clean.deeparg.mapping.ARG (This one has headers)
  4. clean.deeparg.mapping.ARG.merged
  5. clean.deeparg.mapping.ARG.quant (You sent me header previously)
  6. clean.deeparg.mapping.ARG.quant.subtype (This one has headers)
  7. clean.deeparg.mapping.ARG.quant.type (This one has headers)

I have read the documentation, but I have not found the information about the content of each column in all the files. I would appreciate the headers of clean.deeparg.mapping.ARG.merged

My purpose is to describe and represent the amount of resistances in the samples. I would like to do it in a nested way, that is, representing both the type and the subtype, so I would appreciate if there is a table that indicates which subtype is inside each type.