
my first Ruby script - fetches stock code/name/currency from londonstockexchange.com

Primary LanguageRuby

This script takes one optional parameter on the command line (filename to write to)
if ommited, we just print results to STDOUT.

sample usage:

    ./harvest.rb output.txt

obviously it requires ruby.


k, i know this is going to sounds, uhm, like deja vu, but just in case you have time....

Would you mind writing a php script that harvest the data here:

and build a list that has:

Idea is to go through each page and build the complete list since some letters have up to 80 pages...makes sense?
so you would have to figure out that for URL I entered there are 83 pages, and go through each page (url becomes http://www.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/prices-and-news/stocks/prices-search/stock-prices-search.html?initial=A&page=2 etc...)

Sounds easy for a guy like you :-)

Please? Thanks?