Capstone GCP

Utils version

To prevent automatic upgrades to new major versions that may contain breaking changes, it is recommended to add version with the constraint strings suggested below.

  • Google Cloud SDK: 286.0.0
  • Terrafrom: 0.12.24
  • Ansible: 2.9.6
  • Bash: 3.2.57


  • Create the Google Cloud Project;
  • By path ./terraform/ in variable project set your project name as default;
  • Create and setup deploy service account <name>@<gcp_project_name>
  • Download and place .json service account key by path ./creds/terraform-admin.json
  • In order to gain ssh access for instances after deployment, provide the path to your public key in the ssh_pub_key_file variable or create a separate public key by ./creds/public_rsa path without changing the ssh_pub_key_file variable;

Ansible setup

The Ansible will configure resources after completing the terraforms process using ansible user who uses the private key from ~/.ssh/id_rsa path. To change this configuration use the file ./ansible/setup.yaml.

Note! The public key has been added to the instance metadata from the private key above. To change the public key, return to the prerequisites' section and change the necessary data.

Placed GCP resources

google_compute_health_check google_compute_http_health_check google_compute_firewall google_compute_target_pool google_compute_instance_template google_compute_instance_group_manager google_compute_autoscaler google_compute_forwarding_rule

and some null_resource

How to use: script is a init entry for setup Google Cloud SDK, activate service account for deployment, deploy Google Cloud resources via terraform and configure the environment with Ansible.


In order to clean the environment, use script.
