
Projects to complete

Completed? Project Title Project Code
1a.         🟢 Express TS YAML DB YAMLDB
1b.         🟠  Vite, Vue, TS + multiple frontends (2. Webpack React TS) + Express integration MFE
2.        Web components WC
3.         🟠  Mongo TS MTS
4.         🟠  SQL TS SQLTS
5.         🟢 Puppeteer SSR PSSR
6.         🔵  Stripe experiments SE
7.        Rabbit MQ RMQ
8.        Module federation experiments MF
9.         🔵  Watch file with fs watch and update all apps connected to socket FSW
10.         🟣  Monorepo environment file MEF
11.         🔵  Apple Sign in ASI
12.         🟢 Local https LHTTP
13.         🔵 Yarn workspaces and Docker LHTTP


Symbol Meaning
     🟢 Complete
     🟡 in Progress
     🟣 Next
     🔵  in Queue but not next
     🟠  Prerequisites
     🔴 Critical update required
     🟤 Imrovements coming
  Not Started

Reason for creating this Mono-repo

I had taken a little bit of break from production corporate web applications and I wanted to review some advanced features I thought about exploring to help support web applications I build in the future.

This is part one of what could be many parts.