This project was made using Node.js and Express and consists on an API used for a social network back-end workprocess. You can access deployed project by clicking this link
- Sign-up and sign-in with jwt authentication
- User search
- Publishing posts
- Listing posts with pagination
- Listing 10 most popular hashtahgs
- Users' posts
- Hashtags' posts
- Post edition and deletion
- Interactions with post (likes, comments and re-posts)
You can check project's simplified documentation here.
In order to clone the project and run it in your machine, you must run the following commands (with git and npm installed in your machine):
Then you must go to the project's directory and run:
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode with nodemon.
Test it http://localhost:4000 with a client (e.g. Thunderclient).
Runs the app in the development mode.
Test it http://localhost:4000 with a client (e.g. Thunderclient).