
Primary LanguageRuby


  • Installing Rails dependencies

    bundle install --local
  • Installing React dependencies

    yarn install
  • Launching tests

    bundle exec rspec
  • Lauching the back-end

    bundle exec rails s
  • Lauching the front-end in another terminal



  • How did you decide on the technical and architectural choices used as part of your solution?

    This challenge being a back-end, I decided to render data as JSON for all the actions.

  • Are there any improvements you could make to your submission?

    I would have liked to implement service objects to perform all the actions. But as the back-end part of this application was very simple, I did not have to.

  • What would you do differently if you were allocated more time?

    I would have implement service objects.

  • How long did it truly take you to complete the challenge?

    I complete the rails part of the challenge in about 4 hours. Spend most of the time setting up the test specs.


  • How did you decide on the technical and architectural choices used as part of your solution?

    I noticed you, at DoubleGDP, work with Material UI so I decided to use it to complete the challenge. I also used the React Router module as it makes it easy to navigate between the components.

  • Are there any improvements you could make to your submission?

    I could have add tests to cover this front-end part and then better use the style API of Material UI library.

  • What would you do differently if you were allocated more time?

    I would have done this challenge from scratch with pure HTML/CSS.