
The study course covers the service-oriented approaches in business and information systems and software engineering. It concerns vertical (inside the enterprise) and horizontal (inter- organisational) service provision situations. The emphasis is put on new innovative service development. The course comprises service design methods, basics of building service-oriented architectures, and other topics of service engineering. Students will experiment with various service development and running technologies. They will learn approaches to service governance according to the most popular service management methods and standards. Students are expected to have basic knowledge in business process modelling, systems theory, and portfolio management. The course concerns also scientific research advances in service-orientatio

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Service Science, Management, and Engineering

Software architecture and orientation

Software architecture involves the most significant decisions about the organization of software solution.

  • Selecting the stuctural elements and their interfaces that compose system
  • specifying the brhavior of the system as collaborations among those elements
  • composing these structural and behvioral elementsinto larger subsystems
  • applying an architectural style that guides this organization

purpose of architecture

  • understanding

    • simplifies by abstracting
    • provides blueprints
    • exposes ares of risk
  • commmunicating

    • communicates key informationn
    • provides different views or perspectives
    • capture the concern of all stakeholders
    • makes design decisions
  • difficzult development

  • poor qualiti conditions

Archoitecture in Agile

  • thinking about applications has moved up tot the whiteboard phse
  • team members and businesses partners should not have to ask questions such as: what does that arrow mean? is that monolith or set of microservices?
  • insted the discussions should focus on services being delivered to the business
  • there is no big design up front

commmon misconseptions about architecture

  • architeccture is a design -> not only
  • architecture is infrastructure
  • architecture is just structure
  • architecture is flat and one blueprint is enough
  • architecture cannot be mesredor validated
  • arcchitecture is pure art
  • architecture is pure art

Architecturl style

differend kinds of parameters

  • idioms - proraming level
  • analysis and design patterns - class level
  • architecural patt
  • enterprise level

  • top down
  • bottom up
  • meet in the midle