
Storytelling: COVID-19 Data Analysis with R, published by Liew Jun Yen - Data Analyst

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


The COVID-19 Data Analysis project utilizes R programming language. The project analyzes the "Coronavirus (COVID-19) Deaths" dataset obtained from the Our World in Data. Our World in Data is a public resource that provides open access to its data for the public and policymakers.

Aim & Objectives

Aim: To analyze the COVID-19 dataset and gain insights into the current trends and patterns of the disease across different countries in order to provide meaningful recommendations, policies, interventions, and strategies aimed at reducing the impact of the disease and protecting public health.


  • To conduct data exploration to understand the structure of the dataset.
  • To perform data preprocessing to clean, transform, and enhance the quality of the data for the improvement of accuracy in further analysis.
  • To conduct data visualisation on the generated questions of community problems of COVID-19.
  • To provide a comprehensive interpretation of the visualisations for each question by translating data analyses into understandable terms.


  • Dataset: owid-covid-data
  • Description: The dataset provides information on the number of COVID-19 deaths reported worldwide. It contains 302751 rows and 67 columns from the duration 1st Jan 2020 - 14th Apr 2023.

The following descriptions of the 67 variables in the dataset:

No Variables Description
1 iso_code Three-letter ISO code for the country/region
2 continent Continent in which the country/region is located
3 location Name of the country/region
4 date Date in format yyyy/mm/dd
5 total_cases Total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases
6 new_cases Number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases
7 new_cases_smoothed 7-days rolling average of the number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases
8 total_deaths Total number of COVID-19 deaths
9 new_deaths The number of new COVID-19 deaths
10 new_deaths_smoothed 7-days rolling average of the number of new COVID-19 deaths
11 total_cases_per_million Total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people
12 new_cases_per_million Number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people
13 new_cases_smoothed_per_million 7-days rolling average of the number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people
14 total_deaths_per_million Total number of COVID-19 deaths per million people
15 new_deaths_per_million Number of new COVID-19 deaths per million people
16 new_deaths_smoothed_per_million 7-days rolling average of the number of new COVID-19 deaths per million
17 reproduction_rate Estimated average number of people who will contract COVID-19 from a single infected person
18 icu_patients Number of COVID-19 patients who are currently in an intensive care unit (ICU)
19 icu_patients_per_million Number of COVID-19 patients who are currently in an intensive care unit (ICU) per million people
20 hosp_patients Total number of COVID-19 patients who are currently in a hospital
21 hosp_patients_per_million Number of COVID-19 patients who are currently in a hospital per one million people
22 weekly_icu_admissions Number of COVID-19 patients who are admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) during a specific week
23 weekly_icu_admissions_per_million Number of COVID-19 patients who were admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) during a specific week per one million people
24 weekly_hosp_admissions Number of COVID-19 patients who were admitted to a hospital during a specific week
25 weekly_hosp_admissions_per_million Number of COVID-19 patients who were admitted to a hospital during a specific week per one million people
26 total_tests Total number of COVID-19 tests that have been administered
27 new_tests Number of new COVID-19 tests that have been administered
28 total_tests_per_thousand Total number of COVID-19 tests that have been administered per one thousand people
29 new_tests_per_thousand Number of new COVID-19 tests that have been administered per one thousand people
30 new_tests_smoothed 7-days rolling average of the number of new COVID-19 tests that have been administered
31 new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand 7-days rolling average of the number of new COVID-19 tests that have been administered per one thousand people
32 positive_rate The proportion of COVID-19 tests that have returned positive results
33 tests_per_case The number of COVID-19 tests that have been administered per confirmed case of COVID-19
34 tests_units The units used to measure COVID-19 testing
35 total_vaccinations The total number of COVID-19 vaccine doses that have been administered
36 people_vaccinated The total number of people who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
37 people_fully_vaccinated The total number of people who have received all required doses of a COVID-19 vaccine
38 total_boosters The total number of COVID-19 vaccine booster doses that have been administered
39 new_vaccinations The number of new COVID-19 vaccine doses that have been administered
40 new_vaccinations_smoothed 7-days rolling average of the number of new COVID-19 vaccine doses that have been administered
41 total_vaccinations_per_hundred Total number of COVID-19 vaccination doses administered per 100 people
42 people_vaccinated_per_hundred Total number of people who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine per hundred people
43 people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred Total number of people who have received all required doses of a COVID-19 vaccine per hundred people
44 total_boosters_per_hundred Total number of COVID-19 booster doses administered per 100 people
45 new_vaccinations_smoothed_per_million 7-days rolling average of the number of new COVID-19 vaccine doses that have been administered per million people
46 new_people_vaccinated_smoothed 7-days rolling average of the number of new people who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
47 new_people_vaccinated_smoothed_per_hundred 7-days rolling average of the number of new people who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine per 100 people
48 stringency_index Composite measure of the strictness or severity of COVID-19 containment policies
49 population_density Number of people per square kilometre of land area
50 median_age Median age of the population
51 aged_65_older The percentage of the population aged 65 years and older
52 aged_70_older The percentage of the population aged 70 years and older
53 gdp_per_capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in current US dollars
54 extreme_poverty The percentage of the population living in extreme poverty
55 cardiovasc_death_rate The age-standardized death rate from cardiovascular disease
56 diabetes_prevalence The percentage of the population aged 20-79 years with diabetes
57 female_smokers The percentage of women who smoke
58 male_smokers The percentage of men who smoke
59 handwashing_facilities The percentage of the population with access to basic handwashing facilities
60 hospital_beds_per_thousand The number of hospital beds per thousand population
61 life_expectancy The life expectancy at birth of the population
62 human_development_index Rank countries based on their levels of human development
63 population The total population in a particular location
64 excess_mortality_cumulative_absolute The absolute number of excess deaths in a location since the beginning of the pandemic
65 excess_mortality_cumulative The percentage increase in mortality in a location since the beginning of the pandemic
66 excess_mortality The percentage increase in mortality in a location during a particular period of time
67 excess_morality_cumulative_per_million The number of excess deaths per million people in a location since the beginning of the pandemic

Processed Dataset

  • Dataset: owid-covid-data (processed data)
  • Description: The dataset has been meticulously processed, involving data reduction, data cleaning, and data transformation techniques. By undergoing these procedures, the dataset is now optimized for accurate and meaningful analysis.

The processed dataset consisted of the following 30 variables:

No Variables Description
1 continent Continent in which the country/region is located
2 country Name of the country/region
3 date Date in format yyyy/mm/dd
4 total_cases Total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases
5 new_cases Number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases
6 new_deaths The number of new COVID-19 deaths
7 reproduction_rate Estimated average number of people who will contract COVID-19 from a single infected person
8 new_tests Number of new COVID-19 tests that have been administered
9 positive_rate The proportion of COVID-19 tests that have returned positive results
10 tests_per_case The number of COVID-19 tests that have been administered per confirmed case of COVID-19
11 people_vaccinated The total number of people who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
12 people_fully_vaccinated The total number of people who have received all required doses of a COVID-19 vaccine
13 total_boosters The total number of COVID-19 vaccine booster doses that have been administered
14 new_vaccinations The number of new COVID-19 vaccine doses that have been administered
15 stringency_index Composite measure of the strictness or severity of COVID-19 containment policies
16 population_density Number of people per square kilometre of land area
17 median_age Median age of the population
18 aged_65_older The percentage of the population aged 65 years and older
19 aged_70_older The percentage of the population aged 70 years and older
20 gdp_per_capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in current US dollars
21 extreme_poverty The percentage of the population living in extreme poverty
22 cardiovasc_death_rate The age-standardized death rate from cardiovascular disease
23 diabetes_prevalence The percentage of the population aged 20-79 years with diabetes
24 female_smokers The percentage of women who smoke
25 male_smokers The percentage of men who smoke
26 handwashing_facilities The percentage of the population with access to basic handwashing facilities
27 hospital_beds_per_thousand The number of hospital beds per thousand population
28 life_expectancy The life expectancy at birth of the population
29 human_development_index Rank countries based on their levels of human development
30 population The total population in a particular location