
apc-523-spring-2019-hw-1-jjf1218 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePython

APC 523 Spring 2019


This repo is a fork of a skeleton repo I made to facilitate submission of the assignment. The link you clicked on should have made a personal fork of this skeleton repo on github for each of you.

Please add your written work as a PDF.

If you're someone who TeXs your problem sets, include a PDF and the source .tex files and any plots, etc that go into that PDF.

If you handwrite your assignment, just snap some pictures on your phone (or scan it if you have access to a scanner) and submit the whole thing as a single joined PDF file. If you don't have a picture-to-PDF generator on your phone, I can recommend GeniusScan. It's free, and it's pretty good at getting just the page itself in-frame.

If you wrote a single PDF, you can save it in the top-level directory of the repo. If you TeXed individual solutions for each problem or something, then go ahead and save the solution to each problem in its corresponding folder. So long as it's pretty obvious where your solutions sit, you can stick them wherever you like.

There's a subfolder associated with each problem (each folder currently has an empty .gitignore folder --- that was just my hack to be able to give you a skeleton folder structure, since git doesn't allow empty folders to be committed into a repo). Put any additional material you used to solve each problem into its corresponding folder. That includes code to calculate stuff, plots you made, the code to make those plots, etc etc.

Once your stuff is saved in these folders, just commit your changes and push your changes back to github (i.e. to your own personalized fork of the HWK1 repo. Just leave it there.).

That's it. If all goes well, the Github Classroom infrastructure should allowe me and the AIs to bulk clone/pull all your repos at once and have access to your work (we will have access to your repo with admin privileges; you will not have admin priviliges, despite it being your own personal fork).

If there are any questions/issues, please post to Piazza and/or email me (try Piazza first).