Don't have time to save the number? An unknown number called you and you want to know if they have WhatsApp? You need to send a message to someone but you don't want to save it as a contact? Or you want to send a message to yourself... Just open the app and enter the number and your country code. That's all.
- MVI pattern (Model-View-Intent)
- Dependency Injection using Dagger 2
- RxJava (RxKotlin)
- Room database
- Mobius Spotify
- Retrofit
- ViewModels
- Instrumentation testing with Espresso
- JUnit testing business logic controllers.
- Jetpack navigation
- Databinding
- Moshi
- Safe Args
- Material Design 2.0
- And others...
To run instrumented tests, change the build variants to "instrumented" and enjoy!