
  • This custom query is intended to be used in an Azure workbook

  • To customize the appearance or formatting of values select Column Settings in your workbook.

  • here you should be able to select colors, values, and to hide columns ,each time you add another codeblock like the following | join ( InsightsMetrics | where Name == "TransferPerSecond" | project-rename TransferPerSecond = Val | project-away TenantId, TimeGenerated, SourceSystem, Origin, Namespace, Tags, AgentId, _ResourceId, Type | summarize take_any(*) ) on Computer

  • It will add a repetitive column named Computer1, Computer2, Computer3, and so forth. In the column settings you can hide those repeat columns as well.

  • If there is another VM metric you'd like to add copy your query into a Log Analytics Workspace and run InsightsMetrics. the resulting output should have a column named "name" from this column you will see different rows, these are the various metrics available to you. Once you've decided which metrics you want simply repeat the | join code block and change it to look like the following

    | where Name == "YourNewMetric"
    | project-rename "YourNewMetric" = Val
    | project-away TenantId, TimeGenerated, SourceSystem, Origin, Namespace, Tags, AgentId, _ResourceId, Type
    | summarize take_any(*)
) on Computer```