
Peek the zone for any Nodes, PVs associated with a pod.

Primary LanguageGo


kubectl-zonepeek is a kubectl plugin written in Go that gathers zone information from nodes and associated Persistent Volumes in a Kubernetes cluster.


  • Retrieves the zone information of nodes and associated Persistent Volumes.
  • Accepts a label selector to identify the pods.


  • Go 1.16 or higher
  • Access to a Kubernetes cluster and the kubectl command-line tool


To install kubectl-zonepeek, clone the repository and build the binary:

go install github.com/gabeduke/kubectl-zonepeek@latest


To use kubectl-zonepeek, you need to pass a label selector to identify the pods:

kubectl zonepeek --label <label-selector>

You can specify the output format (table, json, text) with the --output flag:

kubectl zonepeek --label <label-selector> --output json


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.