
A R front end of pnnl/chissl

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A R port of pnnl's chissl

Paper about chissl

YouTube video about chissl

Dustin's chissl powerpoint


Provide interactive learning during model training of unlabelled data to improve training of the model. See the left red arrow in the below image.

Interactive learning image


  1. Python

conda install flask matplotlib networkx nltk numpy pandas pymongo scipy scikit-learn

conda install -c conda-forge umap-learn

  1. You will need mongodb installed on your system.

brew install mongodb if you are on a Mac or your own way if so preferred

  1. Node

  2. R with the following packages


install.packages(c("usethis", "htmlwidgets", "shiny", "shinythemes", "sortable", "cowplot", "textdata", "topicmodels", "tidytext", "dplyr", "tidyverse", "feather", "viridis", "stringr"))


  1. Once all the above is done go to the chissl/python-chissl folder and run: pip install -e .

  2. Create a mongo db by the name of chissl and then import the downloaded chissl.agz by performing a mongorestore or by using studio3T. This command should work mongorestore --db chissl --gzip --archive=chissl.agz

  3. Start the react app by going to the chissl/react-chissl/ folder and running npm start. Which will start both the flask backend and the react app.

  4. Then run the download_chissl_mongodb command located in helpers/data-prep.R


To run the flask backend standalone: Run the backend chissl flask (python) server located in the chissl folder.

python server.py -p 8891 -d -m localhost or try python server.py -p 9101 -d -m localhost

Check if it is working by going to:

Reference code
