
A client library for bitcore-wallet-service

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM Package Build Status Coverage Status

The official client library for [bitcore-wallet-service] (https://github.com/bitpay/bitcore-wallet-service).


This package communicates with BWS Bitcore wallet service using the REST API. All REST endpoints are wrapped as simple async methods. All relevant responses from BWS are checked independently by the peers, thus the importance of using this library when talking to a third party BWS instance.

See [Bitcore-wallet] (https://github.com/bitpay/bitcore-wallet) for a simple CLI wallet implementation that relays on BWS and uses bitcore-wallet-client.

Get Started

You can start using bitcore-wallet-client in any of these two ways:

  • via Bower: by running bower install bitcore-wallet-client from your console
  • or via NPM: by running npm install bitcore-wallet-client from your console.


Start your own local Bitcore wallet service instance. In this example we assume you have bitcore-wallet-service running on your localhost:3001.

Then create two files irene.js and thomas.js with the content below:


var Client = require('bitcore-wallet-client');
var fs = require('fs');
var BWS_INSTANCE_URL = 'http://localhost:3001/copay/api'

var client = new Client({
  verbose: false,

client.createWallet("My Wallet", "Irene", 2, 2, 'testnet', function(err, secret) {
  // Handle err
  console.log('Wallet Created. Share this secret with your copayers: ' + secret);
  fs.writeFileSync('irene.dat', client.export());


var Client = require('bitcore-wallet-client');
var fs = require('fs');
var BWS_INSTANCE_URL = 'http://localhost:3001/copay/api'
var secret = process.argv[2];

var client = new Client({
  verbose: false,

client.joinWallet(secret,  "Thomas", function(err, wallet) {
  // Handle err
  console.log('Joined ' + wallet.name + '!');
  fs.writeFileSync('thomas.dat', client.export());

Install bitcore-wallet-client before start:

npm i bitcore-wallet-client

Create a new wallet with the first script:

$ node irene.js
info Generating new keys 
 Wallet Created. Share this secret with your copayers: JbTDjtUkvWS4c3mgAtJf4zKyRGzdQzZacfx2S7gRqPLcbeAWaSDEnazFJF6mKbzBvY1ZRwZCbvT

Join to this wallet with generated secret:

$ node thomas.js JbTDjtUkvWS4c3mgAtJf4zKyRGzdQzZacfx2S7gRqPLcbeAWaSDEnazFJF6mKbzBvY1ZRwZCbvT
Joined My Wallet!

Note that the scripts created two files named irene.dat and thomas.dat. With these files you can get status, generate addresses, create proposals, sign transactions, etc.

API Client

###new API(opts) ClientAPI constructor.


  • opts Object

###API.seedFromExtendedPrivateKey(xPrivKey) Seed from extended private key


  • xPrivKey String

###API.seedFromRandom(xPrivKey) Seed from random


  • network String

###API.export(opts) Export wallet


  • opts Object
    • compressed Boolean
    • password String
    • noSign Boolean

###API.import(opts) Import wallet


  • opts Object
    • compressed Boolean
    • password String

###API.isComplete() Return if wallet is complete

###API.openWallet(cb) Open a wallet and try to complete the public key ring.


  • cb Callback

Returns: Callback - cb - Returns an error and a flag indicating that the wallet has just been completed and needs to be persisted
###API.createWallet(walletName, copayerName, m, n, network, cb) Create a wallet.


  • walletName String
  • copayerName String
  • m Number
  • n Number
  • network String - 'livenet' or 'testnet'
  • cb Callback

Returns: Callback - cb - Returns the wallet
###API.joinWallet(secret, copayerName, cb) Join to an existent wallet


  • secret String
  • copayerName String
  • cb Callback

Returns: Callback - cb - Returns the wallet
###API.getStatus(cb) Get status of the wallet


  • cb Callback

Returns: Callback - cb - Returns error or an object with status information
###API.sendTxProposal(opts) Send a transaction proposal


  • opts Object
    • toAddress String
    • amount Number
    • message String

Returns: Callback - cb - Return error or the transaction proposal
###API.createAddress(cb) Create a new address


  • cb Callback

Returns: Callback - cb - Return error or the address
###API.getMainAddresses(opts, cb) Get your main addresses


  • opts Object
    • doNotVerify Boolean
  • cb Callback

Returns: Callback - cb - Return error or the array of addresses
###API.getBalance(cb) Update wallet balance


  • cb Callback

##API.getTxProposals(opts) Get list of transactions proposals


  • opts Object
    • doNotVerify Boolean
    • forAirGapped Boolean

Returns: Callback - cb - Return error or array of transactions proposals
###API.signTxProposal(txp, cb) Sign a transaction proposal


  • txp Object
  • cb Callback

Returns: Callback - cb - Return error or object
###API.signTxProposalFromAirGapped(txp, encryptedPkr, m, n) Sign a transaction proposal from an airgapped device


  • txp Object
  • encryptedPkr String
  • m Number
  • n Number
  • cb Callback

Returns: Callback - cb - Return error or object
###API.rejectTxProposal(txp, reason, cb) Reject a transaction proposal


  • txp Object
  • reason String
  • cb Callback

Returns: Callback - cb - Return error or object
###API.broadcastTxProposal(txp, cb) Broadcast a transaction proposal


  • txp Object
  • cb Callback

Returns: Callback - cb - Return error or object
###API.removeTxProposal(txp, cb) Remove a transaction proposal


  • txp Object
  • cb Callback

Returns: Callback - cb - Return error or empty
###API.getTxHistory(opts, cb) Get transaction history


  • opts Object
  • cb Callback

Returns: Callback - cb - Return error or array of transactions