
Generative Adversarial Network framework with API and command line tool.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

HyperGAN 0.10.0-alpha1

CircleCI Discord Twitter

A composable GAN API and CLI. Built for developers, researchers, and artists.

HyperGAN is currently in open beta.

Colorizer 0.9 1

Logos generated with examples/colorizer

See more on the hypergan youtube

Table of contents


Generative Adversarial Networks consist of 2 learning systems that learn together. HyperGAN implements these learning systems in Tensorflow with deep learning.

For an introduction to GANs, see http://blog.aylien.com/introduction-generative-adversarial-networks-code-tensorflow/

HyperGAN is a community project. GANs are a very new and active field of research. Join the community discord.


  • Community project
  • Transfer learning
  • Online learning
  • Dataset agnostic
  • Reproducible architectures using json configurations
  • Domain Specific Language to define custom architectures
  • API


See the Discord



See the full changelog here: Changelog.md

Quick start


Recommended: GTX 1080+


Install hypergan:

  pip3 install hypergan --upgrade

Optional virtualenv:

If you use virtualenv:

  virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 hypergan
  source hypergan/bin/activate


If installation fails try this.

  pip3 install numpy tensorflow-gpu hyperchamber pillow pygame

Dependency help

If the above step fails see the dependency documentation:

Create a new model

  hypergan new mymodel

This will create a mymodel.json based off the default configuration. You can change configuration templates with the -c flag.

List configuration templates

  hypergan new mymodel -l

See all configuration templates with --list-templates or -l.


  # Train a 32x32 gan with batch size 32 on a folder of folders of pngs, resizing images as necessary
  hypergan train folder/ -s 32x32x3 -f png -c mymodel --resize

Development mode

If you wish to modify hypergan

git clone https://github.com/255BITS/hypergan
cd hypergan
python3 setup.py develop

Running on CPU

Make sure to include the following 2 arguments:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= hypergan --device '/cpu:0'

Don't train on CPU! It's too slow.

The pip package hypergan

 hypergan -h


  # Train a 32x32 gan with batch size 32 on a folder of pngs
  hypergan train [folder] -s 32x32x3 -f png -b 32 --config [name]


  # Train a 256x256 gan with batch size 32 on a folder of pngs
  hypergan train [folder] -s 32x32x3 -f png -b 32 --config [name] --sampler static_batch --sample_every 5 --save_samples

By default hypergan will not save samples to disk. To change this, use --save_samples.

One way a network learns:

Demo CountPages alpha

To create videos:

  ffmpeg -i samples/%06d.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 22 -threads 0 gan.mp4


To see a detailed list, run

  hypergan -h


See the example documentation https://github.com/255BITS/HyperGAN/tree/master/examples


To build a new network you need a dataset. Your data should be structured like:


Creating a Dataset

Datasets in HyperGAN are meant to be simple to create. Just use a folder of images.


For jpg(pass -f jpg)

Downloadable datasets

Cleaning up data

To convert and resize your data for processing, you can use imagemagick

for i in *.jpg; do; convert $i  -resize "300x256" -gravity north   -extent 256x256 -format png -crop 256x256+0+0 +repage $i-256x256.png;done


Contributions are welcome and appreciated! We have many open issues in the Issues tab.

See how to contribute.


HyperGAN uses semantic versioning. http://semver.org/

TLDR: x.y.z

  • x is incremented on stable public releases.
  • y is incremented on API breaking changes. This includes configuration file changes and graph construction changes.
  • z is incremented on non-API breaking changes. z changes will be able to reload a saved graph.




  HyperGAN Community
  HyperGAN, (2016-2019+), 
  GitHub repository, 

HyperGAN comes with no warranty or support.