This is a vim plugin to center the current file in the terminal window by adding a blank pane on either side. These panes can then be populated with a document outline (using markdown headings, function headings, or lines with a double comment character (e.g., ##, %%, or "")) or todos placed throughout the file (e.g., TODO, #TODO, # TODO, etc.). These functions use the location list and quickfix window, respectively.
This is my first vim plugin and is still very much in development. This readme is out of date. Currently only the centering of the window works; the location list and quickfix list things are still being worked on.
These keybindings are meant to work in tandem with vim-unimpaired. Add them to your vimrc.
nnoremap <leader>C :call CenWinToggle(80)
center the window with the default width of 80 characters
nnoreamp <localleader>l :call CenWinOutlineEnable(0,1)
open the location list with an outline (functions)
nnoremap <localleader>L :call CenWinOutlineEnable(0,2)
open the location list with an outline (double comment characters; will be deprecated in favour of a buffer-local switch between the two types of lists)
nnoremap <localleader>q :call CenWinTodoToggle()
open the todos as a quickfix window
The todo list quickfix window will have the filetype 'todo'. This means that if the todo-txt.vim plugin is installed, then the todo list will have the same syntax highlighting and some of the same keyboard shortcuts for managing priorities.