
This fork adds the ability to set custom highlighting.

Primary LanguageVim script


Adds criticmarkup support to vim. Attaches to pandoc, markdown, mkd and txt filetypes.


Basic syntax

criticmarkup can be used to annotate additions, deletions, substitutions, highlights and comments in a text document.


That was a {++very ++}hasty comment.


It is {--not --} uncommon for people to tell the truth.


The {~~bird~>condor~~} flew majestic through the skies.


I believe this is not enough.{>> @editor on what grounds? <<}


{==Some sources==}{>> Which? <<} mention ὰταραξία as the ancient skeptics goal.

Handling annotations

vim-criticmarkup creates a command, :Critic, that can accept, reject and delete annotations. To accept an edit, simply place the cursor inside the annotation and then execute

:Critic accept

If you want to reject it, use

:Critic reject

Currently, neither accept or reject work on highlights or comments.

Syntax highlighting

To customize the default coloring of criticmarkup elements, you must first disable the default coloring:

let g:criticmarkup#disable#highlighting = 1

Then add the following highlight groups to your colorscheme or vimrc (defaults are shown):

hi criticAdd guibg=#00ff00 guifg=#101010 ctermbg=46 ctermfg=16
hi criticDel guibg=#ff0000 guifg=#ffffff ctermbg=196 ctermfg=231
hi criticMeta guibg=#0099FF guifg=#101010 ctermbg=33 ctermfg=16
hi criticHighlighter guibg=#ffff00 guifg=#101010 ctermbg=11 ctermfg=16


  • Expand accepts and rejects to handle highlights and comments.
  • Implement operators and keyboard mappings to create annotations.