
This repository contains a sample architecture built with terraform in AWS

Primary LanguageHCL


  • This is WIP
  • Once it is finished, you can enter a single command and you will have a super crazy magento 2 cloud thing
  • Don't use it yet

Dont use it yet


  • Add VPC's
  • Add Cloudfront and S3 for Media Storage
  • Add SES
  • Add Worker for Crons
  • Add Job to get SQL Backups. We already have RDS Snapshots, but it might be useful to have another SQL Dump from time to time.
  • Add Cloudwatch Metrics
  • Add Tests for InSpec

Magento 2 AWS Terraform

Have you ever been annoyed by setting up a new server and the amount of time you lost with stupid configurations? Especially for Magento, you server setup will be complex and heavy.

You often don't have the time to configure a setup that is fully optimized and follows the Magento 2 best practices. This repository tries to solve this issue.

What you can expect from this repository

This repository contains a terraform provisioned and optimized Magento 2 that can be deployed to AWS in minutes. Imagine a new customer signs a contract and you'll be able to deploy his System in minutes.

You will find a .tf file for each resource that is used in AWS. Files with a _ prefix are used to structure the code.


If you haven't done anything with AWS yet, you should stop reading at this section. I won't describe terraform, AWS or the benefits of IaC in this repository. There are tons of resources out there, that will help you to dig into within a couple of hours.

Let me recommend some resources:

Before you start

Before you start with this repo, you should make sure you have everything installed and activated.

You will need an activated AWS Account. You will need terraform installed on you computer.

What does it cost?

You will pay the amount of resources that you use. This guide makes use of an Aurora Cluster that is more expensive than a standard db instance. I do use at least two instances of EC2 and one Instance for Redis (Elasticache).

If you stick with the default, the whole setup should be between $100-$200 a month (no guarantee).

Run it

Let's setup our Magento 2 within minutes.

terraform apply