
GABEstart: fork from GetStarted - A Simple Responsive Startpage

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

GABEstart - A Simple Responsive Startpage


GABEstart is a simple, clean startpage which can be used on any device like phone, pad, desktop, etc.

It has dark (Dracula-est theme) and website links are customizable.

🎉Plus: Match GABEstart with Dracula X GABE theme for Firefox 🦊 and Vivaldi 🎻.


See config.js file for customization.

Last.fm Now Playing widget

You must edit (in index.html file) the following strings:

<script type="text/javascript">
            /*<![CDATA[*/ $(document).ready(function () {
                    apikey: "[YOU NEED TO GENERATE YOUR OWN LAST.FM API KEY]",
                    username: "[YOUR LAST.FM USER NAME]",
                    limit: 5,
                    refresh: 30,
                    apikey: "[YOUR LAST.FM API KEY]", username: "[YOUR LAST.FM USERNAME]", refresh: 60, notplayingtext: '<p class="playing-not">See recently played tracks on: <a href="https://last.fm/user/[USERNAME]" target="_blank">last.fm/user/[USERNAME]</a></p>'
            }); /*]]>*/

YOUR LAST.FM API KEY ==> You must generate a Last.fm API Key from: https://www.last.fm/api VERY IMPORTANT

YOUR LAST.FM USERNAME ==> Your Last.fm username.


If you're using an adblocker or script blocker you must give permission to access to https://ws.audioscrobbler.com in your personal filters, otherwise the Last.fm widget can't work properly.

Weather widget

You must edit the weather.js file the following strings:

  "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=[CITY ID]&appid=[YOUR API ID]&units=metric"

YOUR CITY NAME OR CITY ID ==> You can use the name of your city or the ID city. For example: If you're living on London (Great Britain), you must put the ID 2643743 (this ID number is geting from the URL https://openweathermap.org/city/2643743 when you search on OpenWeatherMap.org).

YOUR API ID ==> You must generate an OpenWeatherMap API Key from https://home.openweathermap.org/api_keys VERY IMPORTANT.


In the style.css you can set an accent color (global) for username, scrollbar and parallax (waveforms decoration). Just change the --accentColor with a predefined color variable or standard HTML/CSS code color.

Predefined color availables (all of them according to the Dracula color palette):

var(--black)    // or #282a36
var(--blue)     // or rgb(98, 114, 164)
var(--green)    // or #50fa7b
var(--orange)   // or #ffb86c
var(--purple)   // or #9580ff
var(--red)      // or #ff5555
var(--white)    // or #f8f8f2
var(--yellow)   // or #f1fa8c


This page is made possible thanks to:

[more stuff from GABEweb @ GitHub]