
  • docker-ce
  • docker-compose
  • python3

Build docker image

make build CLIENTS=<amount-clients> MINERS=<amount-miners> MMINERS=<amount-malicious-miners> TRAFFIC=<traffic-flag>
Variable Name Value Type Description
amount-miners Integer Total number of miners in the network. A subset are anchor miners
amount-clients Integer Total number of clients in the network
amount-malicious-miners Integer Total number of malicious miners in the network. Is a subnet of honest miners.
traffic-flag Boolean 0 : traffic generation off - 1 : traffic generation on

Create and run topolgy

make run

Destroy topology

make clean

Inspect logs

The logs are visible at http://localhost:3000

You can also consult them with

docker-compose -f topology/docker-compose.yaml logs -f


make clean; make build CLIENTS=20 MINERS=5 MMINERS=2 TRAFFIC=0; make run