Evaluating use of the boost graph library (BGL) in libstorage. More information is in the libstorage-bgl-wiki.
Some required tools for compiling and testing libstorage-ng are:
gcc-c++, boost-devel, libxml2-devel, libtool, swig >= 3.0.3 and != 3.0.8 (from YaST:storage-ng), doxygen, python-devel, ruby, ruby-devel, perl, perl-Test-Exception, perl-Test-Unit, rubygem-test-unit
make -f Makefile.repo
make -j$(nproc)
make -j$(nproc) install DESTDIR=/tmp/scratch
make -j$(nproc) check LOCALEDIR=/tmp/scratch/usr/share/locale
make -f Makefile.repo
make package
cd package
osc build --local-package --alternative-project=openSUSE:Factory
xdg-open doc/autodocs/index.html
See especially the class hierarchy:
xdg-open doc/autodocs/inherits.html