Introduction • Usage • Installation • Gallery
rsh is a tool purely written in python to easily generate reverse shell command for linux as well as windows.
This tools makes it easy for you to generate reverse shell command supported in both linux and windows, in the following languages:
- bash
- netcat
- netcat OpenBSD
- nc.traditional
- Python
- IPv4
- IPv6
- Ruby
- Perl
- PowerShell
- Node.JS
usage: [-h] [-sh SH] lhost lport
positional arguments:
lhost Specify local host ip
lport Specify a local port
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-sh SH Specify the language to generate the reverse shell
Using rsh is very simple. All you need to do is provide IP and Port and the type of shell that is to be generated. EX:
./rsh 4444 -sh bash
./rsh 4444 -sh php
./rsh 4444 -sh powershell
You need python 3.5 or greater. Along with that rsh uses [pyfiglet] which you can install by running:
pip install pyfiglet
Nothing else is required to run rsh.
- Getting bash command
- Options
- Wrong IP 😄
- Wrong PORT 😄
- Report a bug
- Fix something and open a pull request
- Add more reverse shell
In any case feel free to open an issue
All the shell command are taken from pentestmonkey
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details
If you'd like you can buy me some coffee: