Install via composer
composer require deviam/laravel-bancard
Publish config and migrations
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Deviam\Bancard\BancardServiceProvider"
This is the contents of the file which will be published at config/bancard.php:
return [
| Bancard Keys
| The Bancard public key and private key give you access to Bancard's
| API.
'public' => env('BANCARD_PUBLIC_KEY', ''),
'private' => env('BANCARD_PRIVATE_KEY', ''),
| Bancard Environment
| This value determines if your application is using the
| staging environment from Bancard's API.
'staging' => (bool) env('BANCARD_STAGING', true),
| Bancard URL
// The return URL for the Single Buy Operation
'single_buy_return_url' => env('BANCARD_SINGLE_BUY_RETURN_URL', ''),
// The cancel URL for the Single Buy Operation
'single_buy_cancel_url' => env('BANCARD_SINGLE_BUY_CANCEL_URL', ''),
// The return URL for the New Card Operation
'new_card_return_url' => env('BANCARD_NEW_CARD_RETURN_URL', ''),
Run migrations
php artisan migrate
The methods listed below return an instance of the class Illuminate\Http\Client\Response.
According to Laravel Documentation these are some of the methods you can use to inspect the response.
// Get the body of the response.
$response->body() : string;
// Get the JSON decoded body of the response as an array or scalar value.
$response->json() : array|mixed;
// Determine if the status code is >= 200 and < 300...
// Determine if the status code is >= 400...
Start the payment process.
use Deviam\Bancard\Bancard;
$response = Bancard::singleBuy('Ejemplo de pago', 10330.00);
if ($response->failed()) {
// Do something here.
$data = $response->json();
$processId = $data['process_id'];
$scriptUrl = Bancard::scriptUrl();
return view('your_view_here', compact('processId', 'scriptUrl'));
Through the singleBuy
method an eloquent model called SingleBuy
is created.
You can retrieve the record using the process_id
use Deviam\Bancard\Models\SingleBuy;
$order = SingleBuy::where('process_id', '')->first();
Start the registration process of a card.
use Deviam\Bancard\Bancard;
$response = Bancard::newCard(966389, '09********', '');
if ($response->failed()) {
// Do something here.
$data = $response->json();
$processId = $data['process_id'];
$scriptUrl = Bancard::scriptUrl();
return view('your_view_here', compact('processId', 'scriptUrl'));
Through the newCard
method an eloquent model called Card
is created.
You can retrieve all the cards from an user with the user_id
use Deviam\Bancard\Models\Card;
$cards = Card::where('user_id', '')->get();
Operation that allow you to list the cards registered from an user.
use Deviam\Bancard\Bancard;
$response = Bancard::listCards(966389);
if ($response->failed()) {
// Do something here.
$data = $response->json();
$cards = $data['cards'];
Operation that allow you to delete a registered card.
use Deviam\Bancard\Bancard;
$response = Bancard::deleteCard(966389, 'c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855');
if ($response->failed()) {
// Do something here.
$data = $response->json();
$status = $data['status'];
Operation that allow you to make a payment with a token.
use Deviam\Bancard\Bancard;
$response = Bancard::tokenCharge('Ejemplo de pago', 10330.00, 'c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855');
if ($response->failed()) {
// Do something here.
$data = $response->json();
$confirmation = $data['confirmation'];
Through the tokenCharge
method two eloquent models are created. These models are SingleBuy
and Confirmation
You can retrieve each record with the shop_process_id
value that comes in the response.
use Deviam\Bancard\Models\{SingleBuy, Confirmation};
$order = SingleBuy::where('shop_process_id', '')->first();
$confirmation = Confirmation::where('shop_process_id', '')->first();
Operation that allow you to cancel the payment.
use Deviam\Bancard\Bancard;
$response = Bancard::rollback('12313');
if ($response->failed()) {
// Do something here.
$data = $response->json();
$status = $data['status'];
Through the rollback
method an eloquent model called Rollback
is created.
You can retrieve the record using the shop_process_id
use Deviam\Bancard\Models\Rollback;
$record = Rollback::where('shop_process_id', '')->first();
Operation that allow you to know if a payment was confirmed or not.
use Deviam\Bancard\Bancard;
$response = Bancard::confirmation('12313');
if ($response->failed()) {
// Do something here.
$data = $response->json();
$confirmation = $data['confirmation'];
Through the confirmation
method an eloquent model called Confirmation
is created.
You can retrieve the record using the shop_process_id
use Deviam\Bancard\Models\Confirmation;
$record = Confirmation::where('shop_process_id', '')->first();
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.