
Service agnostic logger backend for elixir that handles batching and retries.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding logger_batched_backend to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:logger_batched_backend, "~> 0.1.0"}


use Mix.Config

config :logger, backends: [{LoggerBatchedBackend, :example}]

config :logger, :example,
  # [optional] Maximum interval in milliseconds to send batches. Logs are flushed periodically
  # within this interval. Use `nil` to disable this feature.
  # default: 15000
  flush_interval: 1000 * 15,
  # [optional] Maximum batch size. Logs are flushed when the queue reaches this many messages.
  # default: 10
  batch_size: 10,
  # [optional] Minimum log level.
  # default: :debug
  level: :debug
  # [optional] A function that returns the current time, used to override a message's timestamp
  # at the time of logging.
  # default: nil
  timestamp: {Timex, :now},
  # [required] Function that handles logging, see signature below.
  handler: {ExampleHandler, :log},
  # [required] Options passed to the second argument to the `handler` function.
  handler_options: %{
    # ...

The configuration must specify handler_options and a handler method to handle logging as follows:

defmodule ExampleHandler do
  @spec log(list(tuple()), any()) :: {:ok, list(tuple())} | {:error, any()}
  def log(batch, config) do
    # ... send messages to some log management service
    {:ok, []}

The method takes a list of message tuples {level, message, timestamp, metadata} and handler_options, and returns an ok tuple with a list of messages that have not been handled to requeue. This allows for retries without having to handle async tasks:

defmodule ExampleHandler do
  @retry 5

  def log(batch, config) do
    with :ok <- do_log(batch) do
      {:ok, []}
      _ -> {:ok, retry(batch)}

  defp retry([]), do: []
  defp retry([{_, _, _, _, @retry} | rest]), do: raise "failed to log message #{@retry} times!"
  defp retry([{lvl, msg, ts, md, tries} | rest]), do: [{lvl, msg, ts, md, tries + 1}] ++ retry(rest)
  defp retry([{lvl, msg, ts, md} | rest]), do: [{lvl, msg, ts, md, 1}] ++ retry(rest)