
ESIL fault simulation

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Glitch simulation

Tool to simulate fault injection in a firmware using the ESIL of radare2. For each instruction of a firmware between the start address and the stop address the simulation replaces the current instruction by another according to the defined fault model and execute the resulting code. If a specific success condition is matched then the fault model and instruction is reported.


Python3 is mandatory to run glitch simulation. Requirement package can be install with

pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user


glitchoz0r3k.py [options]


-h, --help: show the help message and exit

-f FILE, --file=FILE: File to analyze

-s START_ADDR, --start=START_ADDR: Start address

-e END_ADDR, --end=END_ADDR: End address

-t THREADS, --threads=THREADS: Number of threads

-r REG, --reg=REG: Register to check

The fault model are defined in the glitch.py module. New fault models may be added there.

The success condition is defined in the conditions function of glitchoz0r3k.py module.


The target_glitch.py script runs the x86-64 example:

python3 target_glitch.py

Advanced usage

It is possible to create a custom script to run a simulation.

import glitchoz0r3k

#Instantiate the tool
g = glitchoz0r3k.Glitchozor()

#Open the executable file

#Set the address where to start the simulation
#Set the address where to end the simulation

#Run the analyze() function to calculate the number of operations.
#This has to be made before running the actual simulation
ops = g.analyze()
print(f"Number of ops : {ops}")

Once the initial setup is done, it is required to setup a condition function. This function will be called at the end of every simulation and will be passed a ctx dictionnary. This function must return True if the glitch succeded (ie. the glitch caused a desired state)

#Define a condition function
def conditions(ctx):
    Tests for registers to verify that our glitch worked
    if ctx['regs']['rax'] == 0:
        return True
        return False

#Set the condition checking for the sumulation instance

The ctx dictionnary contains the following information :

  • glitch_str : The applied glitch in text form
  • regs : All the register status at the end of the simulation. This is architecture-dependant (eg. ctx['regs']['eax'])
  • stack : The full stack contents, starting from the stack pointer to the base pointer.

Finally, the simulation can be started using this following code :

for r in g.run():

Adding new glitch models

The glitch.py contains all the glitch models. To add a new model, simply create a new class inheriting the Glitch class.

The tool currently contains the following models :

  • Skip : Skip the current instruction
  • ZeroSReg : Reset the source register for the current instruction to 0 before execution
  • ZeroDReg : Reset the destination register for the current instruction to 0 after execution

Cleaning stalled workers

In the case a simulation crashes or is stucked in an infinite loop, it might be necessary to kill stalled workers. In order to do that you can use the following bash script:

while true
    (ps -ef; sleep 9) | grep 'radare2' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill