
Gabe’s mind | the full contents of my mind

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

   ___      _         _            _         _ 
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 | (_ / _` | '_ \/ -_)/(_-< | '  \| | ' \/ _` |
  \___\__,_|_.__/\___| /__/ |_|_|_|_|_||_\__,_|
  Gabe’s mind
This repository contains the entire contents of my mind.
(It might take a while to actually get there.)

Dedicated to the public domain under
Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal[1],
but attribution is appreciated!

Much of my mind is ironic, so take stuff here with a grain of salt.

Also, my mind uses a lot of irregular Unicode characters.
They may not display correctly for you. Be forewarned.

[1] [https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/]