
Simple ECMAScript feature detection module

Primary LanguageJavaScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

ES Feature Detect

Simple ECMAScript 2015/2016 (and beyond) feature detection module.


Install the module:

$ npm install es-feature-detect

Then, require the module and check its properties for ES features availability:

var features = require('es-feature-detect')

console.log(features.defaultParameters) // true or false
console.log(features.exponentiationOperator) // true or false


The module comes with a CLI to feature-detect your current Node.js environment.

$ node-feature-detect
Node version: v0.12.15

- default parameters: not supported
- rest parameters: not supported
- spread operator: not supported
- computed properties: not supported
- shorthand properties: not supported
- shorthand methods: not supported
- for of: supported


It is recommended to install the module globally (npm install --global es-feature-detect) to use the CLI.


Missing features? Would like to see one added? Send a PR!

Don't feel like sending a PR? File an issue!

Don't feel like filing an issue? Well... you are sadly on your own.


While developing this module, I reviewed several other ones doing similar things. Most of the inspiration (and some code) was taken from the awesome es-feature-tests module by @getify and compat-table by @kangax!
