Introduction: With this program we would like to implement a solution that can recognize entity mentions in web pages and link them to entities in the Wikidata knowledge base. As an input, the program will receive a WARC file which is a common archive format containing a collection of web pages. The output will be a list of entities along with the IDs of the web pages and Wikidata entities. We coded the program in Python, taking advantage of many libraries that are documented in requirements.txt; moreover we made use of ElasticSearch and Trident which were already installed in the given Docker file. Instructions to run the program: 1. Run to install all packages 2. In order to use ElasticSearch the vm.max_map_count should be increased to 262144 3. Run to run the program
Linking entities on a website to Wikidata articles using ElasticSearch. Created as a group project at VU Amsterdam