
Small RSS client, that notifies me about new projects from upwork.com, when I'm looking for work

Primary LanguageKotlin


I've been using this little app to get notified about new UpWork projects. Finding it very usefull/better than the official UpWork app.

Allows quick triaging/favorite-ing.

Requires rss feed link from your UpWork profile, but currently my own rss link is hardcoded. Let me know if you're interested in using the app with your own rss filter.

I work on Windows and built the app to use Pushbullet to quickly send a project to my laptop (because it's a lot easier to apply to a project on a wider screen). It defaults to simple sharing intent if Pushbullet not available. I'm sure there are other cool ways to quickly share a project, drop me a line if you want to see it in the app.